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Sell us your inventory

Sell us your inventory

Discount Wholesalers Inc specializes in liquidating closeout, excess & unwanted inventory.  We are able to create a customized solution that will work for your merchandise and particular situation.

Are you or do you:
  • Have excess amounts of inventory that are either customer returns or shelf pulls and need an ongoing liquidation outlet?
  • Going out of business or closing down a store?
  • Have a large amount of inventory that you are unable to sell and are ready to significantly markdown your asking price in order to liquidate your items?
  • Logistics or fulfilment centers with abandoned freight?
  • Charities or Non-profits that are unable to resell items that have been donated?

If you answered yes to any of the above please fill out the form below to submit your inventory for consideration.

If we are interested in your merchandise we will reach to you via email or phone within 48 hours.